วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How is fashion important to world history?

I am doing a project on ancient Asian fashions. We have to include how fashion is important to world history and how it affected world history. Any other information on fashion and how it changed in ancient Asia ( 1000 BCE to 1600 ACE) would also be helpful. (This is a high school class.) Thank you!

It's relatively unimportant to history. However, since you have to pretend that it is, just discuss the differences between classes' clothing, the difference of religious leaders clothing, and the changes seen in mens clothing versus women's clothing. Research various cultures, and maybe you point out unique clothing like in Korea they have the traditional han bok for various customs.

Well I think fashion is very important because it describes you. It shows people who you are. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20081028144935AAv52fR&kid=JZxWLEv1DzWuNlu81H.k&s=comm&date=2008-12-11+13%3A41%3A40&.crumb=

Fashion in history is important because certain clothes mean different things. From Roman times to acient Egypt to modern day even!!! Fashoin is used to establish social class, royalty, and so on. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20081028144935AAv52fR&kid=IqdkDGH6DXI091ECtbWu&s=comm&date=2009-01-06+10%3A33%3A10&.crumb=

Hmmm...how fashion affects world history is hard to explain, but it's better to think about it as how social history is reflected through fashion.

Think of it as this way. When I did a project on Victorian era fashion, I included the social history part by introducing the social classes and explained how each class dressed and behaved. Then I went on with what they (men, women, and children) wore throughout Queen Victoria's reign.

You can learn from world history, about what the civilisations thought of different things at the time. You can also find out what the different classes thought were attractive and their mindset on certain issues. It affected world history because people judged people. If you weren't fashionable at the time, people would not like you as much. Also it accepts people into ceratin groups in society.

Views on people and how we use appearences to differenciate authoritive figures etc from one another and other people using stereotypical views. However through history as time has past and social views have changed these distinctive borders and distorted due to the fact that the world interchanges its appearances with different mediums of fashion, apart from the Queen attending a royal conference etc, what would she wear and how would that divide her from the rest?...it doesnt because anyone can now wear a suit or jeans or hoodys and although we still have stereotypical views based on clothes the whole concept has become disullusioned through time because of the change in social views etc

fashion is very important in history because some of the most historic people looked at fashion like a different world for them. fashion explains people, and tells about them. 4 some people, fashion is the only thing that they can make thier own.but for some people, fashion is important to history, for some people it isnt, you decide

today in france alot of fashion designers are asian so they integrate asian fashions into todays stuff

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